Fraud Blocker admin, Author at Implant Seminars

Dr. Garg’s Blog is Back in Business!

Dr. Garg’s Blog is Back in Business! By: Dr. Arun K. Garg If you’re reading this sentence, chances are you’ve already spent some quality time reviewing Implant Seminars’ comprehensive and newly redesigned website. Hopefully you’ve come away with a powerful conclusion: dentistry (and specifically Implant Dentistry) is an exciting and influential medical subfield. Yet to […]

How Knowledge is the Ultimate Career Currency

Continuing Education Continues Demonstrating its Worth How Knowledge is the Ultimate Career Currency By: Arun K. Garg, DMD   Earlier this fall Coursera, the increasingly popular free online continuing education company, made news again. This time it wasn’t about new lectures, or the number of enrollees. It was about the company’s expansion into Latin America. […]

Elderly Patients and the Ongoing Dental Dilemma: A Labor Day Reminder

Elderly Patients and the Ongoing Dental Dilemma: A Labor Day Reminder By: Dr. Arun K. Garg One hundred and twenty years ago this Monday Americans celebrated the first national Labor Day. At the state level, the movement for such a day of appreciation of American workers had been building for years and some 23 states […]

Dental March Madness: New Study Confirms Tooth Decay Still a Rotten Problem

Sometimes you have to marvel at our species’ collective progress. Almost every day breakthroughs in science and technology are transforming how we live and interact with the world around us. In medicine alone, new theories of disease, new vaccines and new treatment methods promise to vastly extend human life. Last month it was reported again […]

Toothpaste with Fluoride a Plus for Pediatric Patients

By: Dr. Arun K. Garg   With a new school year already underway in the South and the academic calendar only days away up North, the American Academy of Pediatrics released new recommendations on when young children should begin brushing their teeth with fluoride toothpaste. Like a homework assignment for children’s mouths, fluoride-enhanced brushing should […]

From Trade to Profession: How African Americans Helped Transform Dentistry

By most accounts, the history of black and white dentistry crosses in the late 19th century. And appropriately, even at that early juncture there were more similarities than differences –starting with the fact that no matter which race was performing the work, it was an extremely painful (and primitive) experience. In lieu of formal training […]

Keeping Fear Out of the Holiday Cheer

Keeping Fear Out of the Holiday Cheer Avoiding End-of-Year Dental Emergencies Arun K. Garg, DMD Ask any doctor what’s the deadliest time of year and chances are they’ll have the same answer: Thanksgiving to New Years. Theories for the seasonal uptick are as varied as the aliments doctors treat. But whether it’s increased stress, shoveling […]

Autism Awareness in the Dental Office: Finally Something to Smile About

Since the 1970s April in the medical community has meant one thing: Autism awareness. Thanks to the steadfast efforts of advocacy organizations like Autism Speaks and the Autism Society, among others, much has been learned about the disorder. Yet despite that knowledge and a wealth of new treatment methods, the incidence of autism continues to […]